Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Will Republicans Gain Veto-Proof Majorities

Over a year ago I commented on a discussion thread on, engaging in some drive-by commentary, that the Republicans would gain 47 seats during the 2010 election cycle. The lefties, liberals, and eco-topians jumped on my punditry with comments like:

What planet are you on?
What have you been smoking?
Brought your lap-top to the bar, again, ehh?
Hey Rip, where have you been?

Hope and Change springs eternal. Who is hee-hawing now? The election landscape has changed so dramatically that some are asking whether a veto-proof majority looms. It may be possible in the House of Representatives, but unlikely in the Senate. For a veto-proof majority the Republicans would have to win 290 seats in the House and hold 67 seats in the Senate.

Nothing the current administration has done to fight the economic malaise (a Carter phrase, since this is the second term he never had) has worked. The unemployment still hovers around 9%. The housing mess gets worse, exacerbated by little income growth and no employment growth. Stimulus. What Stimulus? The only thing that has been stimulated is the wallets of the various cronies, interest groups and fellow travelers of the Obama administration and their congressional allies.

We have reached the tipping point. As the party of government (Democrats) battles to preserve the paychecks of their apparatchiks in government; meanwhile the government of the people (Republicans) push back, offering tax cuts and spending cuts in an effort to turn the economy around. A political war is breaking out between the entrepreneurial class and the ruling class.

The question remains whether the Republican’s have the stones to offer meaningful cuts as in slicing department budgets by 25% or eliminating whole departments. We shall see. The “mad as hell” voter is out there and ready to pull the lever for any politician that will get us back to fiscal sanity. Now that would have a greater simulative effect by throwing the tax and spend rascals out.

The Obama administration continues to throw fuel on the American public’s dissatisfaction with its policies by offering up another stimulus package. If the first one failed, why would voters support another? This administration is pulling out all the stops to really put its allies in Congress on the defensive. The administrations policies have energized the opposition. The only question is the depth of Republican takeover of Congress, come November. Veto proof majorities may not be possible during this election cycle, but if there is no improvement in the economy, the American public will not put up with it. These are very interesting political times.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Political Musings v4

The Silly Season Begins

It’s the silly season. We political animals incur an extra adrenaline rush as we inch towards Election Day. Unlike, Chris Mathews who has the tingle up/down his leg. He probably just sprung a leak in his depends.

The political signs pop up like weeds across the Illinois prairie. Relentless political radio and television ads appear. And the robo-calls fill the voice mailbox. Thank goodness it will all be over after that first Tuesday in November.

Chicago 2011 Mayoral Race

Chicago Mayor, Richard M. Daley’s amazing announcement that he would not seek re-election sent shockwaves through the Illinois political establishment. There are really only two candidates that could successfully run the City of Chicago and maintain its status as a World Class City. Both have the business background and managerial experience to deal with Chicago’s myriad challenges and problems. They are: the Mayor’s brother, former U.S. Commerce Department Chief, William Daley (D) or former Helene Curtis President and CEO, Ronald Gidwitz (R). Either one of these fine gentlemen have the resume and leadership capabilities to move the city forward. All other candidates will only be a single A player. A world-class city such as Chicago needs a major league player to keep its prominence.

Budget Cut. Revenue Raise.

Here is a Budget Cut that we could all support. Cut the salary of all U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators by $174,000. They clearly have not been up to the task over the last decade, in view of the current economic environment we currently find ourselves in. They do not deserve the pay.

A Revenue Raise that there would be little objection to--Lobbyists would need to obtain a license for 100 large. There are too many lobbyists in Washington, D.C. This would weed out some of them.

The Island Paradise of Cuba

Fidel Castro recently announce that Cuba’s economic model is not working. What is he to do? Use the Obama model? It doesn’t appear there will be any change in store for the destitute citizens of Cuba.

Tired of the Obama Presidency???

More and more Americans are growing weary of this President and his policies. He is more an arrogant Professor than the leader of the free world. He will be able to improve his golf game beginning in January 2013. Like two failed

Democrat Presidents before him, Mr. Obama will go the way of LBJ and decide not to seek another term, announcing his intention to spend more time with his family. Or he will be hustled away in a landslide victory for his Republican opponent, similar to Carter in 1980. The writing is clearly on the wall.

Note to the Honorable John Boehner, M.C.

Freezing spending at 2008 budget levels is unacceptable. Meaningful cuts are the greater necessity. Begin by eliminating and/or slashing whole departments. Such action will be the only way to secure our nation from economic ruin.