Schaumburg Drive-By
This week’s drive-by shooting in Schaumburg, a relatively quiet suburb Northwest of Chicago should be a clarion call for tougher sentencing for handgun violence. What should come with a conviction of “the unlawful discharge of a firearm, with intent to harm” is a minimum 25-year sentence with no parole. That should be a strong enough deterrent to the gangbangers, criminals and crooks who seek to hurt decent law abiding citizens here in Illinois.
Presidential Race 2012
Most of us look forward to the November elections this year where we will be able to vote out the rascals who have been part of the economic mess our nation finds itself in. Immediately thereafter there will be many that will be jockeying for position for the 2012 Presidential campaign. I will be looking for a candidate, who as President will have the chutzpah to offer a balanced budget with wholesale cuts to specific departments. He or She could then present it to Congress during a State of Union Address as follows:
“Distinguished Supreme Court Justices, Vice-President, Senators, Members of Congress, ladies and gentlemen:”
"The State of our Union is fair. We can do better! Tonight I am submitting my budget and governmental re-organization plan for your consideration. In it, my administration has provided 2500 specific cuts to get our nations budget in balance. Additionally, we have provided ten specific tax cuts to stimulate the economy."
"This budget will provide a solid foundation toward helping the United States of America retain its singular position as the beacon of Free Enterprise in the World."
"Thank you, God Bless you and God Bless the United States."
With that, the President would walk down from the rostrum and into the crowd of dignitaries and begin fist bumping the Republicans, Libertarians, and pro-growth Democrats.
Spending Limitation Amendment
The great Indiana Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) along with the solid free-market Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) have introduced an amendment to the US Constitution that would limit federal spending to 20% of economic output. This is a terrific idea that would need to be ratified by 34 states after passage by 2/3 of both the US House and US Senate. This Spending Limitation amendment would constrain the legislative branch from its profligate spending.
Recent Letter for the US Census Bureau
Did you get the letter from the US Census Bureau announcing that the 2010 Census form will be arriving in the mail?? I know the US Post Office is hurting, but what a waste of money. Another question, shouldn’t the official language of the United States be English?? This Census form letter advises people to go to the US Census Bureau web site in several different languages. Ridiculous!