Monday, December 5, 2011

Political Musings v6

Gaming in Illinois

The Illinois Gaming bill that would have put a new casino in Chicago was doomed to failure. The legislation had become a hodge-podge of excessive expansion of gaming in the state. In order to garner enough votes for passage, the sponsors had to provide a bite of the apple to all legislators. The direct effect was to have so many new venues that it burst under its own weight. The proper course of action should have been to enhance existing venues and limit new ones that would cannibalize the others.

Democrat Campaign Plan

The Democrat 2012 campaign have already tipped their hand that their campaign will be chock full of “class’ warfare. The middle-class this, the one percent that…blah, blah, blah. There are only four classes of people in the U.S.:

a) Workers who work hard at whatever endeavor and pay taxes.

b) Investors who work hard and pay their taxes.

c) Thinkers that shape our world and pay taxes.

d) Those who wallow in the public trough and chew up the taxes the others have paid.

How American’s Vote

It used to be a rule of thumb among political operatives that citizens cast their vote for a candidate based upon the following breakdown:

50% voted based their vote on whether they LIKED the candidate.

40% based their vote on a candidates IMAGE.

10% voted on the ISSUES.

That breakdown may have changed over the past two decades; increasing issue based voting to 20% with a corresponding decrease in the other two.

With this in mind, there is much to LIKE about each one of the Republican primary candidates despite the way the media wishes to cast their IMAGES. The 2012 may come down to ISSUES.  No matter who the GOP nominee might be, O Must Go!!

Profligate Spending

On every level of government, elected officials, attempting to placate those that came before them with hat in hand,  made too many unsustainable promises. The proper answer should have been NO!! Now as we struggle to repair a broken economy the answer to government growth and largess should be, NO MORE!!

Memo to the Honorable Bill Cunningham

Billy Cunningham you’re a great American, but you are wrong. Obama will lose.

Democrats vs. Reaganites

Democrats are Hobbesian, “short, nasty, and brutish”. They feel compelled to grab the dough in your wallet, skim a little for themselves and stuff the rest into their allies pockets. Reaganites are Lockean, demonstrating complete confidence in people’s freedom to choose what charities are most deserved of their gratitude.

Politics As Bloodsport

The purveyors of the politics of personal destruction (notably leftists and their media hand maidens) have added another notch on their keyboards. The departure of Herman Cain from the GOP Presidential primary campaign was the result of their political assault. Thank goodness Mr. Cain will remain engaged through his introduction of

Things are shaping up to be an exciting Political Year 2012. Prepare thyself for hand to hand combat with the leftists in this cycle.