Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sleeper Issues Will Advance in 2009

Once the political denizens dispatch the TARP and "Stimulus" issues in Q1 of 2009, there will be three sleeper issues that will advance to the forefront during the new President's first 100 days. Among them will be Immigration, Social Security, and Mexico.

This will be the number one issue to deal with as we march further into 2009. Pressure will mount as increasing immigration costs accrue to states along the USA Southern border (CA, AZ, NM and TX) amid declining revenues. Watch for Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to pick up the issue and run with it. Republicans should listen to his more reasoned and balanced approach on this matter. A top to bottom examination of the whole immigration process is needed here. What follows are a few ideas that should be considered as plan in formulated.
  • Create a guest worker program for the approximately 12 million "illegals" that includes a path to US citizenship.
  • Re-calibrate the immigration visas granted on a nation by nation basis, substantially reducing visa's of all kinds for those coming from middle Eastern countries.
  • Develop a separate deportation / prison system for those convicted of crimes while here on visa's or illegally. There is no reason for the states to house and pay for these deviants. It is a Federal problem and should be treated as such. Call this the modified "Savage" (Micheal) plan. This will tie in nicely to a stimulus plan. Develop a federal prison in Duluth, MN for those immigrants hailing from Mexico and Latin America convicted of crimes. At the same time develop a federal prison near Deming, NM for all other immigrants convicted of crimes. Of course none of these criminals can be US citizens.

It is very important that Republicans do not cast their lot with the Xenophobic wing of the party. Instead create a welcoming Reaganesque land of opportunity type of measure with strong punishments to those who disobey US laws. A kind of "peace through strength" / "trust, but verify" immigration opportunity plan.

Social Security

This has long been the third rail of American politics, particularly in recent years with the Democrats usual demagoguery on this issue. It is very important for Republicans to remind all Americans that Social Security is supplemental retirement money and not the whole retirement fund enchilada. When FDR created the system in 1935 that was all it was meant to be. It is part of the safety net and much needed when faced with the theft of some citizens money by scoundrels like Bernie Madoff. A few must needed changes that have to be folded into the system would be:

  1. Include Members of Congress, federal workers, and those that make over the current threshold. Put a maximum monthly payout for all retired citizens no matter how much they paid into the system. Call the difference the "Buffet" tax.
  2. Decrease the payroll tax to 5% for both the employee and employer portions. Also, the self-employed would only be taxed at a total10% level. This will free up money for stimulating the economy.
  3. The 5% paid into the system by those immigrants here on "worker visas" would be credited to an account for them under a worker ID number, but would only be transferred back to them under social security when they become US citizens. Otherwise payments made into the system by these workers would be a cost of doing business in the USA.

All other great ideas put forward by the think-tanks and Congressional representatives should be placed on the table for full discussion. It is important to not only keep the system solvent, but to create a successful fall-back plan for all Americans as they move forward in rebuilding their nest eggs after the recent dismal economic performance.

Mexico??? Yes, Mexico!!!

This is the number three issue, rising with a bullet! This past week the Mexican peso got pounded and will continue its free-fall as we move through this business quarter. Consequently, this narco-democracy is on the verge of falling into collapse. Should that happen, expect a tsunami of human misery to cross our borders. The President should immediately dispatch an emissary to Mexico City to meet with its government to purchase a large amount of Oil to fill our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This will help the Mexican government shore up its budget short-fall before it collapses into total chaos and we will be able to get the oil at reasonable cost ($42.00 per barrel) before its next rise.

Senator Cornyn (R-TX), Sen. Hutchinson (R-TX), Sen. Martinez (R-FL) and Sen. McCain (R-TX) would do well to press the Obama administration on this serious matter. With the recent trade agreements between Russia and Cuba it becomes imperative that we begin to pay very close attention to our neighbors to the South. Not since the Kennedy administration has there been any concerted focus on our hemisphere. The Bush #2 administration is the first since that time that actually tried to make things happen in our Earthly neighborhood. The world is changing dramatically and as we draw down efforts in the Middle-East, the focus should be on our friends in Latin America.

While there is a whole host of issues that will likely rise during 2009, these three issues above will peculate to the top. Republicans would do well to assemble congressional teams to meet the challenges head on in anticipation of a strong come-back in 2010. Strong action on these matters will help set the table for a solid majority in the next decade.

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