It seems the democrats are greatly divided over putting in the public option with Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Leader Reid (D-NV) pushing for it and more moderate party members like Max Baucus (D-MT) prefer to opt out on that element. Meanwhile the Obama administration "dithers". The democrat written health care legislation needs to be dumped. The public option is basically an incremental step towards government control.
The Nobel Prize (1974) winning economist F.A. Hayek, wrote in his fine book, The Road to Serfdom, "Our freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that, if one person refuses to satisfy our wishes, we can turn to another. But if we face a monopolist we are at his mercy." The current health care bill working its way through Congress places us on the slippery slope towards a governmental monopoly. Should it pass, it will put not only our health care system into tailspin, but will severely damage our already fragile economy.
The outstanding Republican Congressman Paul Ryan (WI-1st), offered up the "Patients Choice Act of 2009" earlier this year. It had many good elements in it. One portion of it made little sense to me. It proposed to eliminate the tax exemption offered to employers that provide health insurance to their employees. In its place would be a $2300 individual tax credit and a $5700 family tax credit. With these monies, an individual or family were free to select their own health care or to apply it to whatever their employer was offering. Now there is no duty by employers to offer health insurance, but those companies that wish to hire the best talent ought to have the ability to offer it. And get a tax exemption for it. The self-employed ought to be able to have that same tax benefit.
In order to provide a competitive environment for health insurance a number of components need to be incorporated in any legislation coming out of Congress. They are:
- Tax credit for all out of pocket medical expenses including for elderly care.
- Portability. We should be able to move from one plan to another based on any change in employment status.
- Insurance plans should be offered across state lines. This will provided needed competition.
- Medical tort reform. Cap the awards on pain and suffering.
- Health Savings Accounts (HSA) should be expanded further. This alone will provide the basis for a three-tier health insurance paradigm. Level one--basic preventative health care, check-ups, working with our physicians to establish healthy lives. The payment for these would be out of pocket or through our HSA's. Level two--emergency care and accidental health insurance. Level three--catastrophic health insurance for live changing medical care.
The present health care system is so clogged that it needs an angioplasty. It needs to be invigorated with more competition to lower costs. Yes indeed, it needs reform. What it doesn't need, is the time of reform that the Obama-Care orderlies are working up. This type of Obama-Care needs to be sent to the infirmary, indefinitely.
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