Face it. The forces of Free Enterprise lost the Presidency and eroded a bit in the US Senate.
The one bright spot in the post-election results is the Republican majority in the US House of Representatives has been maintained. Perhaps they will hold firm in their resolve to increase opportunities available under our unique Free Enterprise system.
All the hand wringing by the pundits, the campaign consultants, and journos about how the election was lost; How this position should pivot and how this messaging should change completely miss the mark. Bottom line, we were out organized by the Community Organizer in Chief. In essence, the ground battle was lost.
Do not despair. The Free Enterprise coalition has much work to do before the 2014 mid-terms. That coalition of Reganites, Tea Party Patriots, Libertarians, Conservatives, Entreprenuers, Small Business Owners, and Free Enterprise Republicans can all work feverishly in the coming months to gain elective ground in the forthcoming elections.
We should all be bouyed by the fact that the majority of the American people (53% to 41% according to exit polls) oppose big government. That plays well into our core beliefs of fiscal responsibility, Constitutional limited government, and Free market economics.
The hard work begins now.
Embrace your "inner-activist" and begin organizing. Piece together study groups, breakfast groups, lunch groups, and other organized "clubs" that can provide the leadership and muscle for an electoral victory. The overriding goal should be veto proof majorities in the House (288) and Senate (66).
One reason the left in this country is sucessful is that there is rampant economic illiteracy among the electorate. The forces of Free Enterprise must educate the populace on free market economics and how it alone can provide the opportunities possible to lift people out of poverty and despair.
For all the supposed work the Community Organizer in Chief did when he was organizing on the West and South side of Chicago, those communities still are breeding grounds of violence, joblessness, hopelessness, and despair.
Our forces must also provide education programs that teach the values of Liberty and Constitutional Government. Yes, there are a number of fine progams offered by numerous organizations, but they should be promoted to a much wider audience.
Perhaps those that supported the Romney-Ryan campaign directly and through 527 PACs should consider appropriating funds for an educational campaign that reaches a large audience through DVD and/or monograph. It would be a first step in educating the hard working people of our Republic. Don't count on the schools, colleges, and universites to do it. Many are hotbeds of socialist insurrection.
As Edmund Burke wrote:
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a comtemptible struggle".
Our time is now. We must organize, educate, and engage to save this glorious Nation and vibrant system of Free Enterprise.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Romney Goes for the Win
Governor Mitt Romney’s selection of Congressman Paul Ryan
demonstrates that the Republican nominee is playing to win. The selection of Ryan (R-WI) is also
indicative of the seriousness of Romney’s overriding desire to turn this
economy around.
Many of the talking heads and prognosticator scribes are
calling it a bold move. I would submit
that it is a strong strategic move. One
that should tip the balance in heretofore toss-up states like North Carolina,
Virginia, and Florida, to the GOP team.
At the same time it puts states like Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and yes, even Illinois in play. The focus once again becomes the economy.Ryan is a seven term Congressman representing Southeastern Wisconsin in district that takes in Industrial, Rural, Urban, and part vacationland for us Northern Illinoisans. Long considered a swing district, Ryan has one it in lopsided tallies. As a member of Congress he is the powerful Chairman of the House budget committee and senior member of the tax writing Ways and Means committee. He has the chops to debate anyone on the economy.
The presumptive Republican Vice-Presidential candidate harnesses an aspirational Reaganite politics and policy initiatives. From his speech aboard the USS Wisconsin on August 11, 2012:
“We Americans look at one another’s success with pride, not resentment, because we know, as more Americans work hard, take risks, and succeed, more people will prosper, our communities will benefit, and individual lives will be improved and uplifted.”
A little Reaganesque, wouldn’t you agree?
One can fully expect the Socialist Democrats to launch broadsides at Romney and Ryan, attempting to initiate the Medi-Scare tactics of campaigns past. But they do so at their own peril. Ryan, in an excellent speech given on January 13, 2010 at an event sponsored by Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, outlined the current fiscal problems with Medicare/Medicaid. He mentioned that there are three basic healthcare models which we Americans must choose from. (1) The “Crony-Capitalism” model, a business- government partnership currently deployed. (2) The progressive model or Obamacare. (3) A Free-market model in which health care providers compete and consumers are free to choose.
Most Americans in poll after poll reject the Government control of healthcare which is forthcoming under the legislated Obamacare plan. Ryan deftly argues for the Free-market plan that most consumers of health care would favor. The socialist democrats had better be prepared if they wish to engage in debate on this issue with the Romney-Ryan team.
Ryan’s selection will have a positive effect on Romney’s moribund campaign. The Reagan revolutionaries will enjoin the battle for freedom and will be the foot soldiers in the good fight. The Congressman is the roll up the cotton sleeves; get down working type of Republican that will invigorate the GOP ticket.
I personally look forward to the debate between V.P. Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. Biden better fake sick. Or perhaps, he could have his old friend, Neal Kinnock stand in his stead.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Independence Day 2012
The significance of this day, July 4th, is not
lost on many of us.
The Founders of this great nation sacrificed everything
in the cause of liberty. Many affixed
their signature to the Declaration of Independence on this day in 1776, knowing
that they may as well have been signing their death warrant; as King George
would most certainly wage war to keep the colonies within the British Empire. And he did.
Within that courageous document is the very simple idea
that all men have “certain unalienable rights; that among these are life,
liberty, and happiness…”
Liberty is the most precious of these, for without it, the
other two are that much more difficult to realize. It is this most high idea that caused the
great patriot, Patrick Henry to utter these words:
“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at
the price of chains and slavery? Forbid
it, Almighty God. I know not what course
others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
With each passing day our precious liberties are eroding
as the iron fist of government continues to encroach upon our ability to lead
our lives in our own way and achieve happiness.Contained within the Declaration of Independence is a list of grievances against King George. One of them is:
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent
hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”
Sound familiar?
Does history repeat itself?
Consider the vast amount of regulation promulgated by the
current administration to thwart enterprise, diminish human labor, and destroy
human capital. Think the XL pipeline, an
overzealous EPA, an ineffective interior department, and a failed Department of
Education. All of the bureaucratic
control monsters and the back office paper-pushers have done their utmost to
destroy the economic process.
Now a recent study paid for by the DHS (Department of
Homeland Security) has asserted that we Americans that are “suspicious of
centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” can be
considered as extreme right wing terrorists.
Where is the liberty?
Abraham Lincoln once said, “Courage is lost through
On this glorious day, as we celebrate our Nation’s birth,
we must find the courage to encourage the blessings of liberty right up through
Election Day, November 6, 2012.
We must all give of our time to advance the cause of
Liberty. First, engage in the political
process by supporting those who further its development. Second, be charitable in our work and through
our deeds by helping those in need, not abdicating this responsibility to
government bureaucrats. Finally, educate others by spreading the value of
For if we do all of these things our nation will be more
secure and life and happiness will be that much more assured.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Assessing the Field
The Iowa caucuses are tomorrow. The real significance of Iowa is the test of a candidates’ campaign operation. Can the candidate manage to get as many Iowans to the multitude of caucuses and raise their hand for him or her? It is an ultimate exam for organizational abilities which will be extremely important in the general election in November.
Let’s take a look at the GOP line-up:
Michelle Bachmann. She would make history as the first female President of the United States. She possesses solid conservative credentials while in congress and speaking on the campaign circuit. She is a passionate constitutional conservative as well as strong advocate for free enterprise. Congressman Bachman is one who doesn’t mince words. When she says she will eliminate Obamacare and close down the U.S. Department of Education, it is bankable.
Newt Gingrich. I remember the days during the Reagan Revolution when Gingrich (R-GA) and Robert Walker (R-PA) would engage in spellbinding colloquy over administration policy. There were others, principally from the Conservative Opportunity Society that took to the podium or rose from their seats to advance the cause of Freedom. We lived in historic times. Gingrich is the ideas man of the GOP. But as the late, great Thomas Roeser would opine, “Newt Gingrich is half brilliant and half crazy.” Newt is a solid supply sider, but can sometimes be a loose cannon.
Gary Johnson. He has bolted from the Republicans and has landed firmly in the Libertarian camp, announcing his candidacy for the Libertarian nomination for President on December 28, 2011. I can’t blame him. He got little respect from the Republican apparatchiks. Here was a guy who had a tremendous record as Governor of New Mexico and was invited only once to the debate table. He would have added greatly to the war of ideas as a spokesman for limited government. Of course his tragic flaw is his drug policy which kind of sends his candidacy up in smoke. Sorry Gary, you won’t get my vote. We need to send O to Hawaii for retirement.
Rick Perry. This guy has got great credentials including achieving the rank of Eagle Scout as a teen. As a fellow Eagle Scout, I empathize with his candidacy. In my heart I’m rooting for the Governor of Texas. However, his performance in the early debates sort of tanked his Presidential aspirations. Perhaps he can turn it around. Mr. Perry is the most solid on the issues that could bring about Reagan Revolution 2.0.
Ron Paul. We need Congressman Paul in the race to make us think. The dear Doctor is most aligned with the economics of Frederick Hayek and the Austrian school. An outstanding spokesman for limited government, he has added much to the debate in that arena. Where he fails to make the grade is in his foreign policy views. Yes, I get it, stay away from “foreign entanglements” as Jefferson warned of, but to embrace some of the zaniest views of Jesse “The Body” Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, is a little meek.
Buddy Roemer. Why hasn’t this former Governor of Louisiana been invited to the debate party? His credentials are solid as a former U.S. Congressman (1981-1988) and community banker. If academic credentials figure into your candidate assessment, Roemer has a B.S. in Economics from Harvard and a MBA—Finance from the same. Buddy’s central theme is getting the big money out of politics. He feels that the large sums of dough are given to the politicians in Washington to exact favorites. He favors a balanced budget and fair trade. His tax policy is something that needs to be adopted in the new administration. Closing tax loopholes, eliminating the alternative minimum tax and the earned income credit are positive starts. The most favorable element of his tax plan is a Flat Tax of 17%, with the first $50k of income exempt. Personally, I favor a 10% flat tax, but this is an awesome start.
Rick Santorum. The most solid conservative in the field. And the best person to shore up the ticket as Vice-President for whomever the eventual nominee might be. He is a great candidate, but needs more seasoning as an executive. His foreign policy views are the stoutest among the group. Santorum’s voice for limited government is robust. He would be my candidate if he had any strong business or executive experience. But alas, he is from the House of Lords, err, US Senate.
I purposely left out Jon Huntsman. Seriously? Give me a break.
To my friendly and generous neighbors in Iowa, best of luck in your caucuses. You have a difficult decision to make. Tomorrow in Iowa it is expected to be a balmy 41 degrees and sunny. It should be a crisp, but comfortable night for making a choice for the future of the United States.
On January 20, 2013, America’s long, four year nightmare will be over when one of these great Americans hold up their right hand with the other on the good book and take the oath of the Office of the President of the United States.
Let’s take a look at the GOP line-up:
Michelle Bachmann. She would make history as the first female President of the United States. She possesses solid conservative credentials while in congress and speaking on the campaign circuit. She is a passionate constitutional conservative as well as strong advocate for free enterprise. Congressman Bachman is one who doesn’t mince words. When she says she will eliminate Obamacare and close down the U.S. Department of Education, it is bankable.
Newt Gingrich. I remember the days during the Reagan Revolution when Gingrich (R-GA) and Robert Walker (R-PA) would engage in spellbinding colloquy over administration policy. There were others, principally from the Conservative Opportunity Society that took to the podium or rose from their seats to advance the cause of Freedom. We lived in historic times. Gingrich is the ideas man of the GOP. But as the late, great Thomas Roeser would opine, “Newt Gingrich is half brilliant and half crazy.” Newt is a solid supply sider, but can sometimes be a loose cannon.
Gary Johnson. He has bolted from the Republicans and has landed firmly in the Libertarian camp, announcing his candidacy for the Libertarian nomination for President on December 28, 2011. I can’t blame him. He got little respect from the Republican apparatchiks. Here was a guy who had a tremendous record as Governor of New Mexico and was invited only once to the debate table. He would have added greatly to the war of ideas as a spokesman for limited government. Of course his tragic flaw is his drug policy which kind of sends his candidacy up in smoke. Sorry Gary, you won’t get my vote. We need to send O to Hawaii for retirement.
Rick Perry. This guy has got great credentials including achieving the rank of Eagle Scout as a teen. As a fellow Eagle Scout, I empathize with his candidacy. In my heart I’m rooting for the Governor of Texas. However, his performance in the early debates sort of tanked his Presidential aspirations. Perhaps he can turn it around. Mr. Perry is the most solid on the issues that could bring about Reagan Revolution 2.0.
Ron Paul. We need Congressman Paul in the race to make us think. The dear Doctor is most aligned with the economics of Frederick Hayek and the Austrian school. An outstanding spokesman for limited government, he has added much to the debate in that arena. Where he fails to make the grade is in his foreign policy views. Yes, I get it, stay away from “foreign entanglements” as Jefferson warned of, but to embrace some of the zaniest views of Jesse “The Body” Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, is a little meek.
Buddy Roemer. Why hasn’t this former Governor of Louisiana been invited to the debate party? His credentials are solid as a former U.S. Congressman (1981-1988) and community banker. If academic credentials figure into your candidate assessment, Roemer has a B.S. in Economics from Harvard and a MBA—Finance from the same. Buddy’s central theme is getting the big money out of politics. He feels that the large sums of dough are given to the politicians in Washington to exact favorites. He favors a balanced budget and fair trade. His tax policy is something that needs to be adopted in the new administration. Closing tax loopholes, eliminating the alternative minimum tax and the earned income credit are positive starts. The most favorable element of his tax plan is a Flat Tax of 17%, with the first $50k of income exempt. Personally, I favor a 10% flat tax, but this is an awesome start.
Rick Santorum. The most solid conservative in the field. And the best person to shore up the ticket as Vice-President for whomever the eventual nominee might be. He is a great candidate, but needs more seasoning as an executive. His foreign policy views are the stoutest among the group. Santorum’s voice for limited government is robust. He would be my candidate if he had any strong business or executive experience. But alas, he is from the House of Lords, err, US Senate.
I purposely left out Jon Huntsman. Seriously? Give me a break.
To my friendly and generous neighbors in Iowa, best of luck in your caucuses. You have a difficult decision to make. Tomorrow in Iowa it is expected to be a balmy 41 degrees and sunny. It should be a crisp, but comfortable night for making a choice for the future of the United States.
On January 20, 2013, America’s long, four year nightmare will be over when one of these great Americans hold up their right hand with the other on the good book and take the oath of the Office of the President of the United States.
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