Sunday, August 12, 2012

Romney Goes for the Win

Governor Mitt Romney’s selection of Congressman Paul Ryan demonstrates that the Republican nominee is playing to win.  The selection of Ryan (R-WI) is also indicative of the seriousness of Romney’s overriding desire to turn this economy around.
Many of the talking heads and prognosticator scribes are calling it a bold move.  I would submit that it is a strong strategic move.  One that should tip the balance in heretofore toss-up states like North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida, to the GOP team.  At the same time it puts states like Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, and yes, even Illinois in play.  The focus once again becomes the economy.

Ryan is a seven term Congressman representing Southeastern Wisconsin in district that takes in Industrial, Rural, Urban, and part vacationland for us Northern Illinoisans.  Long considered a swing district, Ryan has one it in lopsided tallies.  As a member of Congress he is the powerful Chairman of the House budget committee and senior member of the tax writing Ways and Means committee.  He has the chops to debate anyone on the economy.

The presumptive Republican Vice-Presidential candidate harnesses an aspirational Reaganite politics and policy initiatives.  From his speech aboard the USS Wisconsin on August 11, 2012:

“We Americans look at one another’s success with pride, not resentment, because we know, as more Americans work hard, take risks, and succeed, more people will prosper, our communities will benefit, and individual lives will be improved and uplifted.”

A little Reaganesque, wouldn’t you agree?

One can fully expect the Socialist Democrats to launch broadsides at Romney and Ryan, attempting to initiate the Medi-Scare tactics of campaigns past.  But they do so at their own peril.  Ryan, in an excellent speech given on January 13, 2010 at an event sponsored by Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, outlined the current fiscal problems with Medicare/Medicaid.  He mentioned that there are three basic healthcare models which we Americans must choose from. (1) The “Crony-Capitalism” model, a business- government partnership currently deployed.  (2) The progressive model or Obamacare.  (3) A Free-market model in which health care providers compete and consumers are free to choose.

Most Americans in poll after poll reject the Government control of healthcare which is forthcoming under the legislated Obamacare plan.  Ryan deftly argues for the Free-market plan that most consumers of health care would favor.  The socialist democrats had better be prepared if they wish to engage in debate on this issue with the Romney-Ryan team.

Ryan’s selection will have a positive effect on Romney’s moribund campaign.  The Reagan revolutionaries will enjoin the battle for freedom and will be the foot soldiers in the good fight.   The Congressman is the roll up the cotton sleeves; get down working type of Republican that will invigorate the GOP ticket.

I personally look forward to the debate between V.P. Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.  Biden better fake sick. Or perhaps, he could have his old friend, Neal Kinnock stand in his stead.

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