Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Schaumburg Succumbs to a Property Tax

It is with sadness that we all recently learned of The Village of Schaumburg’s decision to levy a property tax to meet the current budgetary shortfall. Schaumburg as not had a property tax since its formation in 1956. My family moved to Schaumburg in the early sixties and this is where I grew up. I still consider Schaumburg my hometown. Skokie is now the only major suburban Chicago community that does not levy a property tax.

Village leaders say they had to implement this tax in large part because of a significant decline in retail revenues during this great recession. You see Schaumburg is considered the Retail Mecca of the Midwest. Woodfield Mall, one of the largest malls in North America, anchors its beautiful skyline. Rolling out from the mall are numerous shopping centers (that include big box retailers), car dealers, furniture retailers (IKEA comes to mind), and restaurants.
With a projected $17.6 million General Fund deficit, Schaumburg has decided to levy a tax of 8.1% of the 2009 property tax bill. The Village manager and his staff recommended the property tax levy to the full Village board. There are other ways for Schaumburg to get out of its budget quandary, some of which were ruled out because market conditions are not favorable. That is the arrogance of government.

First, the Village should sell off the Convention Center and Hotel. Some consultant recommended that they build the Convention Center and that it would pay for itself. Baloney. The private sector does a much better job than any governmental entity at running hotel businesses. Government should not be involved in enterprise.

Second, the Village should sell off the Schaumburg Flyers baseball stadium. Minor league baseball is much more profitable than the majors. Fans enjoy the natural play of the sport and any team ownership worth their salt is able to increase their fan base and profitability. Sell it to the baseball team owners, perhaps on a long-term contract. Ownership of a baseball stadium is not the role of government.

Third, re-evaluate the village’s master plan and zoning laws around the Woodfield Mall area. The village should allow for high-rise residential development. This can provide a base of retail consumers for that area. The net effect of this would be greater support of the existing businesses and attraction of new business. In turn, tax revenues will increase. While the housing market is not yet fully recovered, in time it will improve. Demographic population changes will fuel the increase in popularity of condominium dwellings.

Fourth, join the other five Northwest Suburban townships in forming a new county (Lincoln or Reagan) thereby telling Crook County to go stuff it. Cook County and its daddy, Chicago, are the most corrupt units of government in the State of Illinois. Its fair time that the municipal leaders of the Northwest Suburban region wake up and sever all ties to this unit of government. Not only has Crook county levied a large retail tax (part of which was recently rolled back), but its method of assessing commercial property makes these property taxes a huge burden on businesses in the Northwest Suburban region.

Schaumburg can survive without a village property tax by taking the steps mentioned above. The community has a lot to offer. It has a solid library district, a strong park district, and quality schools, which are a part of elementary school district 54 and high school district 211. These government entities survive just fine with their tax revenue. Schaumburg should be able to do the same.

A property tax levy will only hasten the departure of businesses in Schaumburg to more tax advantaged areas outside of Crook County. The Village should concentrate on providing basic services and not try to build a real estate fiefdom.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Political Musings

Global Warming…yeah, right.
While the eco-topians hammered out a non-deal in Copenhagen, 18-24 inches of snow fell on Washington, DC. Meanwhile the eco-preacher from Tennessee, Al Gore, continues his pattern of false statistics and scientific measures. To these global alarmists the Global Warming is a religion and Gore is their pastor. I wonder what flavor kool-aid they drink?

The U.S. Senate marches on towards passage of the health care legislation. Apparently they have the votes and will pass the Senate version by Christmas Day. This legislation will burden Americans with increased taxes and add greatly to the federal deficit. Republican reform measures were all ignored, including: insurance portability, tort reform, importation of prescription drugs, and expansion of Medical Savings accounts. All of which are true reform. Instead, smarmy Harry Reid, has stuffed the legislation with “earmarks” to buy off legislators. Should the conference committee piece together a final measure that gains passage, the legislation will be re-visited after the 2010 elections.

Double-Dip Recession?
With the incredible tax burden that is festering due to a huge stimulus package that has failed, Obamao-Care, and the prospects of some form of Cap and Crunch (the economy), it is likely that we will see a double-dip recession. The weight of this troika of the iron fist of government will hurt small businesses and independent business people. Because of the new mandates and tax increases the self-employed and underemployed will rise as small businesses get pounded. Watch for the unemployment rate to remain unchanged. Also, watch for the “contingent workforce”, as it is called in Private Equity circles to rise. It is possible that many will be moved from the payrolls into a role of skilled temporary workers as a result of the socialist-democrat legislative agenda.

Does Government do Anything Right?
As the Party of Government (POG’s) increases the level of government workers and their benefits you have to wonder why? Do they do anything right? Consider:
· Amtrak continues to run in the red.
· The U.S. Postal Service will have a $3.8 billion loss this year and is projected to lose $8.0 billion next year.

· Fannie and Freddie are near insolvent and continue to be a dumping ground for political has-beens.
· The government cannot get the flu vaccine distributed in a timely fashion and when it does it is found that numerous batches do not have sufficient strength to ward off the current strain.
· Education. Most of the public schools in this country are terrible and produce those that graduate with an education that cannot compete with the rest of the world. Shameful.
It seems to me that government service attracts mediocrity while private industry attracts the best and the brightest. That is not to say that there are exceptional people working for governmental institutions. It is just that government bureaucracies do not create a culture of excellence. Government needs to be shrunk desperately.

Secular Religionistas
Why is it that all the secular religionists have to weigh in on all matter of public policy? Can’t they just shut up and tend to their flocks? They should concentrate on making their followers better people.

Liberal Union Leadership
These goons continue to speak out and lobby on all types of legislation. Very little of which has anything to do with matters important to their membership. They should negotiate on behalf of their members, NOT try to represent all Americans. The healthcare legislation is a case in point. They are pushing this monstrosity, yet in the Senate bill they are going to get hosed. The bill will heavily tax the “Cadillac” healthcare benefits they negotiated for their membership. No wonder union membership continues to decline. Its leaders are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame in the National political arena instead of negotiating for their membership.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Towards a Vibrant Independent Sector in Illinois

John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”.

Karl Marx opined in his book, Das Kapital, that capitalism would fail as soon as the people learned to vote themselves money from the treasury.

The reason I juxtapose these two ideas is that we have moved far away from the former and closer to the latter. In essence we have become an entitlement society. Because of this attitude, many Americans have relied on the largess of government to support themselves and the institutions they belong to. It’s time to get many of these snouts out of the treasury trough. And ask people to become more self-reliant.

Illinois should take the lead in developing a vibrant Independent Sector. Less reliance on government to solve our problems will go along way in solving the states current fiscal crisis. Americans are the most generous people on earth. Illinoisans are no exception. Isn’t time we reward that generosity and build a strong Independent Sector? This is vital to creating a transfer of reliance on money in the treasury to an Independent Sector that solves problems locally and in a more efficient manner.

One way to make this change is to initiate a tax deduction for charitable contributions on the Illinois Income Tax Return. Currently, the state form IL-1040 has a “Step 10” in wish you can donate in any amount to a list of causes delineated on the form. You are not allowed to deduct this generosity. Instead you reduce your refund or increase the amount you owe should you choose to make a donation. Why not change this completely and allow Illinois taxpayers a deduction of all charitable contributions by reducing their adjustable gross income by the amount they donate. Cap the amount at an even $5000.00.

A “form Ch” could be created to itemize these charitable donations. Of course the donations would only be allowed to registered charities in the state of Illinois. The state legislature could set up the process by which this is accomplished. The “form Ch” could also be a means for recognized charities to raise funds, similar to the ones listed in “Step 10” do now. The state should charge a fee for such collection and distribution to the charity. A taxpayer would get the full benefit of reducing their taxable gross income through their generosity.

It is vital that Illinois create an environment for a vibrant Independent Sector. A charitable deduction for the Illinois taxpayer would go a long way towards achieving that. During these tough economic times it is important to wean the so-called independent agencies off the government teet and bring them into a truly independent status. The consequence would be to develop less reliance on government largess and more self-sufficiency.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Seaweed Amendment

Last week when the President delivered his Afghan War speech, I, like many of the cadets in the audience at West Point, began to doze off. I fell into a dreamlike state………

During the late hours of the night the U.S. House of Representatives met to discuss amendments to the healthcare legislation.

 Congressman: “Madam Speaker”

 Speaker: “For what purpose does the gentleman from Kentucky rise?”

Congressman Slimnon Pikkens from Kentucky adjusted his blue tie and headed down to the well to address his colleagues in the House.

 Congressman Pikkens: “Madam Speaker I have an amendment to the Obamao-Care legislation which I have submitted for consideration by this body.”

 Speaker: “You have six minutes, sir.”

 Congressman Pikkens: “Thank you.” “Madam Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the House. I submit to you an amendment to this historic healthcare legislation which I will call the Seaweed Amendment.”

 “Said amendment is a tip of our beret to our friends across the Pacific Ocean, our Japanese allies.” “Under this amendment every man and women 21 years of age and older shall keep their waist size no greater than 35.5 inches in diameter.”

 “Furthermore, an annual measurement will take place on September 15th of every year.” “The significance of this date is the birth date of our only 300 plus pound President, William Howard Taft."
 “The net effect of this amendment will keep health care costs down and provide ample focus for all Americans to watch their girth while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”

 Speaker: “Thank you, Congressman Pickens.” “Is there debate on the matter before us?”

Speaker: “Hearing none we will move toward a vote.” “On a voice vote the ayes have it.” “The amendment passes.”

I suddenly awoke from my slumber, arose from the chair, and headed to the junk drawer in the kitchen. I pulled out a tailor measure. 'Twas some swag I had received from a men’s clothing store when purchasing a couple of Geoffrey Beene shirts many years ago. I proceeded to measure my waist. Damn, 36 inches. I thought, “I’m going to have to contribute to that “Taft Fund” for the oversized.”

Then through the fogginess in my mind I realized it was only a dream. But could something like this happen as the Socialist Democrat agenda marches on?