Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pondering the February 2nd Illinois GOP Primary

The State of Illinois has almost deeper problems than the good old USA. We are a week away from the GOP primary on February 2, 2010. As the euphoria wears off from the Senator-elect, Scott Brown, victory in Massachusetts, the Illinois GOP has some huge mountains to climb before that same type of victory can be duplicated here. Just as in Massachusetts, there is a growing movement that seeks to throw out the incumbents during this election cycle. To a certain extent, I agree. My sentiment is that we should follow in the footsteps of our fellow Americans in Massachusetts and throw out the establishment within the party brands. It is time to send the old guard on a barge down the Mississippi River into the delta where they can retire in splendor to spin yarns about election battles of years past, won and lost. With that thought, here is where I have cast my votes (through early voting) for contested primary races.

Governor: Adam Andrzejewski
He is an entrepreneur who has met a payroll and is intent on shaking the Springfield combine up with new ideas. He is NOT part of the modern day aristocracy, a lawyer. To those who say that he is not experienced enough is a true canard. Anyone who puts together a successful business enterprise is quite capable of running Illinois State Government. Adam is such a person. As Abraham Lincoln once said “The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present.” With that in mind, it is time to throw out the old and bring in new, fresh leadership to dramatically change state government.

Lieutenant Governor: Jason Plummer
Young and full of energy. Just the type of person that can assist the Governor’s team in weeding out wasteful spending and bringing in fiscal sanity to an over bloated state government.

U.S. Senate: Patrick Hughes
We are on the verge of an election revolution across the United States. He would joint the conservative block in the U.S. Senate and work for additional tax cuts and reduce government spending.

U.S. Congress—14th District: Randy Hultgren
He is the better of the two GOP candidates in replacing Congressman Foster.
More seasoned than Ethan Hastert, Hultgren will represent this district well. He most assuredly will take a stand against the porky earmarks that Congress has attached to legislation for the last decade.

State Comptroller: William Kelly
He would be a valued member of a GOP team that will shake up state government and push for transparency. Not to mention he could add a little pizzazz to the overall GOP ticket.

State Senate—25th: State Senator Chris Lauzen
Part of the fab five elected to the state Senate in the 1990’s. He has always been responsive with his constituents. You can count on Chris to cut through the budget nonsense and work with a new Republican Governor to get the State of Illinois on firmer financial footing.

While I have already voted, I encourage you to request a Republican ballot in this Tuesday’s Illinois Primary and exercise your franchise.

1 comment:

Lidia Downs said...

I can't disagree with your comments about Adam for Gov. However, with just a week before our Primary, I have to go with Dillard. I don't agree with him 100% and I know he has made some blunders. But I easily prefer him to McKenna (corrupt) or JRyan (too much baggage). At this time, it is increasingly apparent that Brady, Proft, and Adam aren't going to win. So I'm going for the only acceptable candidate that has a chance of winning mext week and in November.

I LOVE Chris Lauzen. His opponent's best criticism of Lauzen is that he "doesn't work well with others." Considering that those "others" are the tax-eating, pay-to=-play insiders of both parties, that is the highest endorsement for taxpayers. We need Lauzen and more like him in state government. He is hard-working, honest, and unafraid to stand up to the Combine as he has proven time and again.