Sunday, February 27, 2011

Political Musings v5

Presidential Election 2012

The wonderfully engaging political columnist Ann Coulter recently opined that the only potential Presidential candidate that could dislodge the office from President Obama would be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. I must respectfully disagree. No matter who the GOP nominates they will be the new President. The Obama presidency will only be one term. The American people have had enough.

Union Protests

While our neighbors to North in Wisconsin endure the rants and ravings of the spuriously civil unionists, one democratic policy wag deposited the notion that their base was more invigorated than ever. Really? What of the “Gary Hart” voter? Remember the New Democrat versus the Union slug Mondale back in 1984? That dichotomy is still prevalent within the democrat party today.

Fuel Efficiency

The Obama administration rolled out new fuel efficiency standards for buses, trucks, and other larger vehicles, recently. The effort purportedly is to, in part, reduce our dependency on oil. Why not converting many of these vehicles to natural gas? The massive fleet of federal government vehicles should lead the way.

Education Vouchers

While the voucher legislation, introduced by State Senator Meeks, did not pass the Illinois House in the last session, it is no less an important issue worthy of debate. To elevate the quality of our education system, effective competition must be introduced.

Herewith is a compromise. Any school or school district that falls below minimum standards in testing and graduation rates, as set by the state, should be subject to a voucher program for a period of no less than six years. Allow the parents to decide where they wish to send their children utilizing voucher funds set at an amount that the school or school district spends per pupil. The parents should not be limited to sending their child to a bricks and mortar school, but could also use these funds for home schooling. Such a system would provide a powerful incentive to the educationalists to bring their schools up to standards. They should note that failure has consequences.


The census report shows that the City of Chicago lost 200,000 people in the last decade. This is where the Congressional District should be lost. Count on the Democrats drawing a map that places two Republican Congressman in the same district, though. Once again, elections have consequences.

Congressional Correspondence

It was with pleasure that I recently wrote to U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) asking him to kill the bullet train funds. I also wrote freshman Congressman Randy Hultgren (R-IL 14th) with four reforms for social security. I look forward to their responses.

The political climate in the United States and Illinois is as fluid as ever which makes for great debates and as the great conservative, William F. Buckley, use to say, “social intercourse.”

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